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How Texas nuclear power can restore American energy dominance

Nuclear power has gotten a bad reputation, thanks to high-profile accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and most recently Fukushima. However, both environmentalists and energy investors have begun to notice that nuclear power has certain advantages that both renewables (solar and wind) and fossil fuel plants lack.

Nuclear power generates electricity 24/7. Solar power only generates electricity when the sun is up and the weather is not inclement. Wind power only generates electricity when the wind blows.

Nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. They do create nuclear waste that has to be dealt with, and efforts to store nuclear waste have proven to be difficult and controversial. However, the technology exists to recycle nuclear waste to create more fuel for nuclear power plants, thus alleviating the need to store the stuff. China, Japan, and a number of European countries already use such recycling technology.

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